Sinquefield Cup News

Kramnik on health, plans – and computers - Chessbase News

March 13, 2006 - 2:00am
Kramnik on health, plans – and computers  Chessbase News

He had a terrible year, with bad health and skipped tournaments. Now Vladimir Kramnik is on the rebound. In September he is due to play a reunification match ...

Categories: News, Sinquefield Cup

14-year-old Carlsen with 2792 performance - Chessbase News

October 20, 2005 - 2:00am
14-year-old Carlsen with 2792 performance  Chessbase News

Schachwunderkind Magnus Carlsen strikes again. In devastating form the young Norwegian GM took first place at the Arnold Eikrem Memorial in Gausdal, a full ...

Categories: News, Sinquefield Cup

Chess in the mainstream world today - Chessbase News

April 19, 2005 - 2:00am
Chess in the mainstream world today  Chessbase News

Last Sunday ESPN aired a story about Bobby Fischer. Jeremy Schaap traveled to Iceland and reported on what he found. But he mainly went there to confront ...

Categories: News, Sinquefield Cup
