On Chess: Looking back at the tournaments and exhibitions of 2015 - St. Louis Public Radio
St. Louis Public Radio
On Chess: Looking back at the tournaments and exhibitions of 2015
St. Louis Public Radio
The Sinquefield Cup, which began at the end of August and ended a few days into September, was not only a great tournament but one of the events in the newly created Grand Chess Tour. The Grand Chess Tour consists of three Super Grandmaster events: ...
On Chess: Looking back at the tournaments and exhibitions of 2015 - St. Louis Public Radio
On Chess: Looking back at the tournaments and exhibitions of 2015 - St. Louis Public Radio
Once again, the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis held the strongest tournament of the year, but this time there was a little extra! The Sinquefield ...
On Chess: Looking back at the tournaments and exhibitions of 2015 - St. Louis Public Radio
Once again, the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis held the strongest tournament of the year, but this time there was a little extra! The Sinquefield ...
On Chess: Looking back at the tournaments and exhibitions of 2015 - St. Louis Public Radio
Once again, the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis held the strongest tournament of the year, but this time there was a little extra! The Sinquefield ...
On Chess: Looking back at the tournaments and exhibitions of 2015 - St. Louis Public Radio
Once again, the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis held the strongest tournament of the year, but this time there was a little extra! The Sinquefield ...
Fester Platz im Kreis der Weltklasse - Derwesten.de
Fester Platz im Kreis der Weltklasse
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave hat beim Treffen der Schach-Weltklasse in London den zweiten Platz erreicht. Der Franzose, der in der Bundesliga für den SV Nord spielt, belegte damit den vierten Platz in der Gesamtwertung der hoch dotierten Grand Chess Tour.
Norway Chess trekker seg ut av sjakkens mesterliga - Aftenbladet.no
Norway Chess trekker seg ut av sjakkens mesterliga
Norway Chess ble i 2015 en del av Grand Chess Tour, men den norske sjakkturneringen velger å satse videre alene allerede etter ett år. Oppdatert: 06.jan. 2016 12:20. Publisert: 06.jan. 2016 12:20. Norway Chess skriver i en pressemelding at økonomiske ...
Norway Chess bryterVG
Norway Chess bryter ut av «sjakkens Champions League»TV 2
all 4 news articles »
Norway Chess bryter - VG
Norway Chess bryter
For Magnus har ikke dette noen stor praktisk betydning, sier Carlsens manager Espen Agdestein til VG. I debutåret 2015 besto touren av Norway Chess, Sinquefield Cup og London Chess Classic. Storturneringen i Norge blir ikke en del av Grand Chess Tour ...
Norway Chess bryter ut av «sjakkens Champions League»TV 2
Norway Chess trekker seg ut av sjakkens mesterligaAftenposten
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Norway Chess Leaves Grand Chess Tour - Chess.com
Grand Chess Tour gets smaller - ChessBase
Best of 2015: Best Endgame - Chessbase News
1/4/2016 – The year 2015 is over now, so we thought it's time to let you vote for the highlights of the past year. Today we want you to vote for the best endgame of ...
Chess notes - The Boston Globe
Chess notes
The Boston Globe
He bought his first house, and then he played in the London Chess Classic, the third and last event in the 2015 Grand Chess Tour. Going into the final, Carlsen looked very much out of contention for the overall Grand Tour title, languishing in fourth ...
Chess notes - The Boston Globe
Chess notes
The Boston Globe
He bought his first house, and then he played in the London Chess Classic, the third and last event in the 2015 Grand Chess Tour. Going into the final, Carlsen looked very much out of contention for the overall Grand Tour title, languishing in fourth ...
Bulgaria's chess grandmaster Veselin Topalov lost seven positions in the FIDE ... - Focus News
Bulgaria's chess grandmaster Veselin Topalov lost seven positions in the FIDE ...
Focus News
In early December, the Bulgarian was second in the rankings, but after the poor performance at the final tournament of the Grand Chess Tour 2015 in London ranked ninth. Leader in the ranking is the world champion Magnus Carlsen of Norway, followed by ...
Best of 2015: Best Game - Chessbase News
The year 2015 is over now, so we thought it's time to let you vote for the highlights of the past year. Today we want you to vote for the best game of the year 2015.
ChessBase Christmas Puzzles 2015 (7) - Chessbase News
In 1999, in the very first installment, we gave you a proof game problem as a Christmas puzzle, one that has occupied generations of chess players.
Best of 2015: Best player - Chessbase News
The year 2015 is almost over, so we thought it's time to let you vote for your highlights of this year. To begin with, we want you to vote for the best male player of ...